Code 8.11 TSKY—Clear Atmosphere 

 This module computes the brightness temperature of the atmosphere as would be observed by a ground-based upward-looking radiometer, under clear-sky conditions, along direction θ relative to the zenith (0 < θ < 80o), from sea-surface height z1 = 0 to z2 = 32 Km, at any frequency 0 < f < 1000 GHz, using a Standard Atmosphere model.

 Sea Surface Properties:
 Temperature (C):                      

 Pressure (mbar):                      

 Water Vapor Density (g/m3):    

 Zenith Angle (degrees):           

  Frequency Range:

Sky Radiometric Temperature
Sky Radiometric Temperature (K)
Frequency, GHz

Note: Once selected, the right and left arrow-keys can be used to move the sliders.