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About the Book

Principal Authors:
Fawwaz T. Ulaby
David G. Long,

Contributing Authors:
William Blackwell
Charles Elachi
Adrian Fung
Chris Ruf
Kamal Sarabandi
Jakob van Zyl
Howard Zebker

Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-472-11935-6

Code 2.1: Polarization State

Code Name: PolarizationState.m

Description: Code computes angles of polarization ellipse of EM plane wave traveling in +z direction.

Input Variables:

  ax:    Amplitude of x-component of E-field (arbitrary unit)
  ay:    Amplitude of y-component of E-field (arbitrary unit)
  δ:    Phase of y-component relative to phase of x-component (ɸx-ɸy), (degrees)

Output Products:

  ψ:    Rotation angle of polarization ellipse (degrees)
  χ:    Ellipticity angle of polarization ellipse (degrees)

Plot of polarization ellipse in x-y plane, with  ˆzout of the page.

Book Reference: Section 2-3

Code: module2_1.m